Door to Door Cargo Services in Kuwait combines road with maritime or air transport to collect or deliver cargo from or to a final destination beyond load or discharge port.

This service combines road with maritime or air transport to collect or deliver cargo from or to a final destination beyond load or discharge port. Deliveries are coordinated according to the consignee's designated schedule. This service also allows you for cargo arriving in programmed order by eliminating bottlenecks. Based on your customized requirements, your cargoes can be directly delivered to the customer in the destination country after following arrival and customs clearance procedures.

The salient features of our Door-to-Door delivery services include:

1.    Port-to-door and door-to-door service from shipper to consignee.
2.   Integrated service includes carton labeling, freight transportation and package delivery services.
3.   Streamlines processes by eliminating issues with multiple carrier bills.
Consolidated customs clearance.

Door to Door Cargo Services in Kuwait | Al Qabandi & Partners Co one of the companies operating in Kuwait, known for its high-quality services.

Its services fall under the following categories: Cargo Operators Companies, Logistics & Distribution, Ship Operators, Ship Delivery.

The company’s information has been entered into the United Arab Emirates Directory records due to the importance of the services it provides.

We can infer the activities of this company with the following keywords: Shipping, Marine, Ports.

Its information will be updated soon, as we follow a periodic plan to update company data. If you have any updated information about this company, please don’t hesitate to send us via the Data Correction form in this page.